You quoted: 1 John 3:7-8 - "Little children, let no one mislead you...He who carries on sin originates with the Devil...."
Well, what do you think you are doing here? YOU are carrying on sin! You, as a baptized JW, are not to greet, eat with, or carry on conversations with disfellowshipped/disassociated persons...especially Bible/scripturally based discussions. Yet, you continue to remain among us. Don't you know that bad association spoils useful habits? The first part of 1Cor 15:33 says, 'Do not be mislead!' By who? By yourself. You are only fooling yourself if you think that you have Jehovah's blessings here in your 'ministry'. JWs are taught that if you are at a door and involved in a disagreement with the householder that you need to move on. Why? Because you no longer have Jah's spirit, the angels have moved on the the next householder. You may count the time but Jehovah wouldn't.
You are also argumentative and self-righteous! You are an example of a PUSHY Witness. Romans 12:18 says,"If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men." Again, you break Jehovah's law. You are not above that Law or the Bible. You are no better than any of us, nor are you more moral. You say that you are following Paul in becoming all things to all people...that makes you an APOSTATE!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.